A guide to getting a ZP in the Czech republic as a foreigner

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Příspěvky: 9

Příspěvek#1 » pon 14. lis 2022, 16:37

The steps you will have to follow are:
1. Check that you meet the requirements
2. Apply for the proficiency test (zkouška odborné způsobilosti)
3. Study for the exam
4. Pass the exam
5. Submit the final paperwork

1. Requirements
* You must be 21 or older (for group E).
* Your place of residence has to be Czechia. The law does not specify whether this means temporary or permanent residence so both are ok. If you also have a place of residence in another country you are required to present that country's consent for the ZP to be issued.
* You can't be in any country's criminal register.
* You must be generally well-behaved (not a drug addict, street fighter etc).
* You must be considered physically and psychically healthy.
* (informal) You must know some Czech. Level B1 should be enough.

2. Apply for the proficiency test
Visit your doctor and ask for a health certificate to use for ZP. They will know what you mean. Will cost you around 1000 CZK.

Find out where your local police department is. You're looking for the department of firearms. Here's a good link to start: https://www.policie.cz/clanek/krphmp-vn ... erial.aspx .

Go to your post office and buy kolkovy znamky (revenue stamps) for 100 CZK.

Fill in the form "Přihláška ke zkoušce odborné způsobilosti". You can find it here: https://zbranekvalitne.cz/zbrojni-pruka ... -dokumenty.

Find a good shooting range where you will train and do the test. I went to Prague Armoury and am happy with them.

Bring the form, kolkovy znamky, the health certificate and your passport + residency permit to the police. Tell them you want to apply to do the ZP test and where you want to do it (the shooting range you selected). They will book you a time for the test and issue a confirmation.

3 Study for the test
The theoretical part of the test consists of 500 multiple choice questions. You can download the questions in Czech with machine translation to English here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CQlZwd ... yctlL/view . There is also information about the different firearm categories and firearm parts. My recommendation is to read through all the questions at least twice, then use this app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... l=US&pli=1) to study. You can also practice here: https://zbranekvalitne.cz/zbrojni-pruka ... ky/trenink . As an added bonus you will learn a lot of Czech!

For the practical part (safe manipulation and shooting) I recommend taking a course. You can do it in a group but be warned that everyone except you will be Czech, so if you language skills are less-then-perfect you might struggle to understand. You can also do a private course which will be adapted to your level of understanding. The guys at Prague Armoury offer both. Make sure to learn all the required Czech words!

4. Pass the test
By now you should know what to do. Come early and make sure you're prepared. You will first do the written test, then the practical one. After the written test the examiner will hold a little Q&A session where he explains what he expects from you. If you don't understand everything - ask him afterwards. Once it's your time to do the practical exam you might want to tell the examiner that you're a foreigner and your Czech is not perfect - if the guy is nice he will cut you some slack and use easy words.

On succesfully completing the practical test you will be issued a paper that you will need in the next step.

If you fail the theoretical part you will have to go back to 2 but need to wait at least 3 months before re-applying. If you fail the practical part you can repeat it once without having to repeat the written one - the examiner will give you all the info you need.

5. Submit the final paperwork
You will again need the health certificate. I'm not sure how this is supposed to work but the police took the first one when I applied for the test. I just went to the doctor and got another one free of charge. The certificate needs to be at most 3 months old.

If you've spent more the 6 months outside of Czechia in the past 10 years you will need proof that you are not a convicted criminal in that country. Contact the police department of the country in question and get the required document (some register extract). Now find a certified translator (ask your embassy for a contact for a translator with the official stamp) and get them to translate the paper for you. The document can't be older than 6 months.

Fill in "Žádost o vydání zbrojního průkazu". If you intend to purchase a firearm - fill in "Žádost o povolení k nabytí vlastnictví / držení / nošení zbraně kategorie B" too. You don't have to specify the exakt make and model, just write something general like "pistole samonabijeci".

Get 700 CZK for ZP + 200 CZK for the permit in kolkovy znamky at the post office.

Get a 35x45 photo of yourself.

Get the paper you got from the examiner (at most 12 months old).

Bring you passport + proof of residency.

Submit all of the above at the same place you submitted your test application. The process should take no more then 30 days, for me the ZP was ready in 5.

Příspěvky: 154

Příspěvek#2 » pon 14. lis 2022, 21:27

6. ZP is not the end of the road, but the beginning
Visit the shooting range regularly and attend a course at least once a year.
Remember, the most dangerous person is the untrained gun owner.

Příspěvky: 9

Příspěvek#3 » pon 14. lis 2022, 22:12

davidu11 píše:6. ZP is not the end of the road, but the beginning
Visit the shooting range regularly and attend a course at least once a year.
Remember, the most dangerous person is the untrained gun owner.

Good point. Maybe you can suggest some good courses for new gun owners?

Příspěvky: 154

Příspěvek#4 » úte 15. lis 2022, 06:29

7. drill and skill
Good starting point for english speaking greenhorns is Prague Armory Shooting Range.

Then go to the HardTask courses (Dynamic Pistol, etc.).
https://www.hardtask.cz/eng/courses/sho ... c-pistol-1

Learn and drill gun safety, shooting and dealing with malfunctions. Learn and drill. Only professional instructor is good teacher, not an anonymous internet user.

Příspěvky: 3129

Příspěvek#5 » stř 16. lis 2022, 09:10

It is funny to see instructions in English even if Czech language is absolutely necessary to pass the exam. What is the point?

Uživatelský avatar
Letec 12
Příspěvky: 2443

Příspěvek#6 » stř 16. lis 2022, 12:33

Another note, police officers are always and everywhere present during the test and supervise whether it meets the legal requirements.

Příspěvky: 879

Příspěvek#7 » stř 16. lis 2022, 22:34

pavelg: You need to know Czech enough to pass the written exam (or memorize it from the script sirfrancis posted here). The oral part can be had in any language, if the examiner agrees.

Příspěvky: 9

Příspěvek#8 » čtv 17. lis 2022, 23:27

pavelg píše:It is funny to see instructions in English even if Czech language is absolutely necessary to pass the exam. What is the point?

The point of this post is to explain the process to people who are not Czech - where to go, what paperwork to collect, what forms to fill in, what to expect from the exam etc. I had to collect all the info myself so I decided to summarize it for other non-native Czech speakers. Some info is only relevant to foreigners, for example the stuff about residency and register extract from home country.

The Czech language is definitely a requirement - you can't memorize 500 questions in an unknown language unless you're a savant. In my guide I pointed out that something around B1 level is required. I learned a lot of Czech studying the questions with parallel translation to English with is a bonus.

Uživatelský avatar
Letec 12
Příspěvky: 2443

Příspěvek#9 » pát 18. lis 2022, 08:50

I have a short question. Are you the author of popular videos about the Czech gun law? Or how you came to this issue. Do you have a website?


Příspěvky: 154

Příspěvek#10 » pát 18. lis 2022, 10:24

sirfrancis píše:
2. Apply for the proficiency test

Bring the form, kolkovy znamky, the health certificate and your passport + residency permit to the police. Tell them you want to apply to do the ZP test and where you want to do it (the shooting range you selected). They will book you a time for the test and issue a confirmation.

The shooting range for the test is determined by the police, but you can ask for another shooting range.

Příspěvky: 3129

Příspěvek#11 » pát 18. lis 2022, 14:20

sirfrancis píše:
pavelg píše:It is funny to see instructions in English even if Czech language is absolutely necessary to pass the exam. What is the point?

The point of this post is to explain the process to people who are not Czech - where to go, what paperwork to collect, what forms to fill in, what to expect from the exam etc. I had to collect all the info myself so I decided to summarize it for other non-native Czech speakers. Some info is only relevant to foreigners, for example the stuff about residency and register extract from home country.

The Czech language is definitely a requirement - you can't memorize 500 questions in an unknown language unless you're a savant. In my guide I pointed out that something around B1 level is required. I learned a lot of Czech studying the questions with parallel translation to English with is a bonus.

So again - such people have to speak/read Czech rather well. They do not need any English description, they can read it in Czech easily.

One more remark:
It is not only about written exam. Armed person should be able to communicate (speak/understand) rather well so that he is able to react in an adequate way. Imagine an foreigner who happens to get ZP but does not communicate in local language at all. The risk of misunderstanding is far too high, isn't it?

Příspěvky: 879

Příspěvek#12 » pát 18. lis 2022, 19:26

pavelg: Sirfrancis wrote some detailed guide here, and shared some English translation elsewhere, which might be invaluable for someone not versed in Czech law or gun lingo (even if the person can speak well).

For the adequate communication, there is difference between someone who is looking for job in a secret service and an amateur who goes to the range twice a month.

Plus, no one wrote that Czech is not important.
So, what is your point?

Příspěvky: 3129

Příspěvek#13 » sob 19. lis 2022, 08:55

I wanted to know what the point is. Who is the target group and what they are expected to do.

It is like a detailed guide how to become a czech policeman written in Arabic.

Příspěvky: 9

Příspěvek#14 » čtv 1. pro 2022, 23:53

davidu11 píše:
sirfrancis píše:
2. Apply for the proficiency test

Bring the form, kolkovy znamky, the health certificate and your passport + residency permit to the police. Tell them you want to apply to do the ZP test and where you want to do it (the shooting range you selected). They will book you a time for the test and issue a confirmation.

The shooting range for the test is determined by the police, but you can ask for another shooting range.

They asked me where I wanted to do the test.

Příspěvky: 9

Příspěvek#15 » čtv 1. pro 2022, 23:55

Letec 12 píše:I have a short question. Are you the author of popular videos about the Czech gun law? Or how you came to this issue. Do you have a website?


No, I'm a foreigner living here in CZ who just completed the firearms license and decided to share my experience.

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