A guide to getting a ZP in the Czech republic as a foreigner

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Příspěvek#46 » pon 8. črc 2024, 23:30

skagerak píše:Everytime when someone (here or on fb or... ) say soemethink like "best way is ask your police department"
im "LOLed"

Is the reply from the police Dutchsportsguy received incorrect? What is your point?

Příspěvky: 959

Příspěvek#47 » pon 8. črc 2024, 23:44

Dutchsportsguy píše:Okay, I sent an email to one police department that deals with this, this was their reply.
What exactly is the point of their reply? It says that the Netherlands either needs to give consent, or a statement from the Netherlands that it is not needed.

Yes. I guess it is a twist (which I admit I missed in the previous conversation) in the story. The Czech law actually says that the other country either gives a consent or gives a waiver that such consent is not required. But in both cases this should be a statement issued officially by the other country, i.e. not something you declare yourself as was previously suggested in this thread.

The Czech citation is here: § 17 odst. 4 zákona č. 119/2002 Sb. - znění od 01.02.2022
and the wording might be confusing even for Czechs.

I have no idea if and who actually might be giving such statements in Netherlands. What you may try is asking Dutch Embassy in Czechia. In case you are not the first Dutch guy applying for gun permit here, they may already know.

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Příspěvek#48 » úte 9. črc 2024, 06:30

@Dutchsportguy - ask directly your ministry of interior.

For reference - the EU directive governing this is: EU council directive 91/477/EWG article 7

You can google up the Dutch version. And yes - sometimes the police has no idea about this (in my case neither Czech, nor Austrian). In 2014, after some frustrated communication with the Austrian police in Vienna, I contacted directly the Austrian ministry of interior and got an official confirmation, that Austria deems not necessary to give such permits and lets the states issuing the document(s) handle it.

Considering that i know that Austria and Slovakia have their ministry of interiors as responsible administration bodies for this, I would contact "yours" with the question who in your country issues this document (reference the EU directive).

Příspěvky: 35

Příspěvek#49 » úte 9. črc 2024, 07:57

MM píše:@Dutchsportguy - ask directly your ministry of interior.

For reference - the EU directive governing this is: EU council directive 91/477/EWG article 7

You can google up the Dutch version. And yes - sometimes the police has no idea about this (in my case neither Czech, nor Austrian). In 2014, after some frustrated communication with the Austrian police in Vienna, I contacted directly the Austrian ministry of interior and got an official confirmation, that Austria deems not necessary to give such permits and lets the states issuing the document(s) handle it.

Considering that i know that Austria and Slovakia have their ministry of interiors as responsible administration bodies for this, I would contact "yours" with the question who in your country issues this document (reference the EU directive).

So you contacted the Austrian ministry of interior by e-mail? And they replied that such a permit is not necessary? And you translated that to Czech and show it to the Czech police?

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Příspěvek#50 » úte 9. črc 2024, 08:04

This is how it looks from Slovakia. I sent letter not e-mail.
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Příspěvek#51 » úte 9. črc 2024, 08:18

@Dutchsportguy - Exactly. Of course you need the translation from a certified translator.
Below is mine from the Austrian ministry of interior. Communication per e-mail, response was electronically signed - Czech police accepted it without problem.
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Příspěvek#52 » úte 9. črc 2024, 09:31

MM píše:@Dutchsportguy - Exactly. Of course you need the translation from a certified translator.
Below is mine from the Austrian ministry of interior. Communication per e-mail, response was electronically signed - Czech police accepted it without problem.

Thanks, so this is the reply you got by e-mail, and they basically say that Austria doesnt need to give consent for you to obtain a czech gun license?
And I dont see the signature? Did they sent the above statement as email or as a PDF?

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Příspěvek#53 » úte 9. črc 2024, 10:35

Per mail, it is a PDF with electronic signature at the end, it is not in the picture. It has an unique ID, that can be verified against an Austrian e-signature site.

Příspěvky: 35

Příspěvek#54 » úte 9. črc 2024, 10:44

MM píše:Per mail, it is a PDF with electronic signature at the end, it is not in the picture. It has an unique ID, that can be verified against an Austrian e-signature site.

Oke, so they attached this document as a PDF?

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